Create a systemd unit for i3lock on suspend

Posted on Tue 04 December 2018 in linux • Tagged with linux, arch, i3lock, i3, systemd

See Creating a custom lockscreen with i3lock to setup the lockscreen script

Add a service file to run the script when the computer sleeps or suspends

Create a file /etc/systemd/system/[email protected] with the following contents. (Change the username to be your local user account name)

Description …

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Creating a custom lockscreen with i3lock

Posted on Tue 09 May 2017 in linux • Tagged with linux, arch, i3lock, i3

Instead of the default i3 lockscreen (which is just a plain white screen), you can show an image as the background. You can create a script to show a blurred image of the content on your screen to get the following effect.


Create the script

The short script below will …

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Setting up ZFS with Arch root install

Posted on Fri 10 March 2017 in Linux • Tagged with linux, arch, zfs

Configuration overview

The last setup of this machine was an UNRAID install with virtual machines using PCI passthrough. For this setup I am going to run Arch Linux with a root install on ZFS. The root install will allow snapshots of the entire operating system.

Array hardware

  • Boot Drive        - 32 …

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Creating Arch Linux iso with ZFS installed with EFI system

Posted on Wed 08 March 2017 in Linux • Tagged with linux, arch, zfs

Adding ZFS to the iso can save you some time when you are experimenting with the setup as you will not have to add the repository and install each time you restart the machine this way.

Download archiso

# switch to root
$ sudo -i or su root

# Install archiso
$ pacman -S …

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